
Khamis, Januari 07, 2010



Dr. Haniff Ahamat
Deputy Dean (Student Affairs)
Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws



The Law Students’ Society Management Committee (LAWSOC Mgt. Comm.) strives to serve as a means of unification between AIKOL’s diverse population. It is our vision, our hope, and our dream, that Students of AIKOL can come together in unity to contribute to the general development of the Ummah. We have, however, realised that there exist certain misconceptions and rumours about the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. which resulted in the abandonment of LAWSOC’s programmes, mistrust, backbiting, and ill-feelings.

We wish to take this opportunity to clarify certain matters, and hope that such misconceptions cease to exist here on after. The Law Students’ Society was established for the Law Students. We cannot fulfil our responsibility comprehensively without a sense of mutual respect, trust, and confidence.
This statement is a sign of our openness, tolerance, understanding, and respect. We can only pray that it is mutual amongst all in AIKOL.


This is perhaps one of the biggest obstacles we face within the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. in serving AIKOL. We have been accused of being politically driven, forwarding certain political ideals instead of the interest of AIKOL students as a whole. We categorically and unequivocally deny this, and we would like to be very open about this matter. Our responsibility is towards all Students of AIKOL, and we take this amanah very seriously. Some of the EXCO Members might concur with certain political thought, as with any reasonable individual sensitive to current issues. There are also lots of ambiguous names of some so-called political movements in the University. We claim no support to this movement, and we strive to be as objective, transparent, and open to all ideas as possible for the benefit of AIKOL. We hereby stress that we fundamentally oppose the idea of using the LAWSOC as a platform to spread these ideas.

We wish to openly declare, that some of the members of the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. participates and becomes members of other organizations in the University, e.g. the MRC, the Debating Club, JASA etc. It is uncertain to us what club are political in the University, or if they really do exist. If they do, we have no part in it. But our participation within these clubs comes with two qualifiers; one, it does not become a priority over the LAWSOC. Two, it does not contradict the interest of AIKOL and the Law Students. The participation of the EXCO Members within these clubs are rarely active, and we are not members of the management committee of these clubs.

In our bid to forward transparency, we will gladly entertain queries with regards to this issue. We have also prepared a list of our affiliations for those who wish to pursue the matter. Feel free to visit the LAWSOC Office.


In the survey and suggestion form which was given out some time ago, some people state that the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. is unfriendly and unsociable. We are unsure of the standard of friendliness expected from us, but we do try to be friendly and helpful in our own way. We concede that we might not be friendly all the time, and hence hurt certain individuals, to which we humbly apologize. This is also a learning process for us, and we hope for the support of all in AIKOL.

Some assert that LAWSOC is run by a continuous chain of people who subscribe to the same ideology/principle of religious conservatism. Firstly, we do not think it is fair to include such a negative connotation regarding Islam. Secondly, such assertion is untrue, as the current members of the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. come from vast and different background.

In addition, the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. changes every year with open, free and fair elections, where all Law Students have a say. This theory of cronyism, nepotism and the likes cannot possibly exist under the current system. It is also important to note that we feel responsible for the welfare of all, although we might disagree on some principles. We will strive to please all that we can within the ambit of Islam.


The purpose of this statement is to clarify the stance and position of the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. We wish for the support of all Students of AIKOL, as members of LAWSOC. The LAWSOC was established for all, and it is the duty of the LAWSOC Mgt. Comm. to cater for all.

The LAWSOC Office is always open to suggestions for programmes, applications to be sub-committees, and requests. We open our arms to all. Unification is the best way forward. May Allah Bless all our efforts.

Law Students’ Society General Office,
Level 1, Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws,
International Islamic University Malaysia,
53100, Gombak, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: (603) 6196 4645
Fax: (603) 6196 4854
e-mail: lawsoc.iium@gmail.com
facebook: Law Students’ Society IIUM

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